Ethereum DAG Hashrate Drop FIX – AMD Official Mining Drivers Are Now Out

AMD Official Mining Drivers

Apparently AMD wants to avoid shortages of their new Vega cards at any cost. Consequently, the company is doing their best to help miners to keep their older GPUs functional for mining. In order to do that, AMD issued an official driver release aimed to improve GPU mining hashrate.

AMD has been working on this driver for a while now. In fact, it became available for download about two weeks ago, though it was an unofficial beta release. Today, AMD posted the same driver on their official webpage.

Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition Beta for Blockchain Compute

I have tested this new driver on my rigs and I can confirm that they it does improve hashrate, no more hashrate drop, everything is back to normal. I suspect that the driver reverse the DAG epoch issue, rather than making GPUs mine faster.

I have tried the driver on RX 400 and RX 500 cards, though according to AMD webpage, the Crimson ReLive Edition Beta is compatible with a wide variety of GPUs, starting from the Radeon HD 7×00 series and up to the Vega edition.

RX 470/480 570/580 Alternatives

With the recent ethereum price going sky high ,it is very hard to find the rx470/480 cards.

Today we will give some alternatives,some of them are cheaper like the 460/560 cards ,some of them got a higher price like the geforce gtx 1070,the good

thing for the geforce gtx 1070 series is they also can mine zcash with a very nice speed.


Normal hashrate is around 11-12 mh these are at stock settings ,but if we start overclocking the card:

1750 timings -> 1875, 2000
max memory clock 2000 -> 2200

amd radeon settings:

gpu clock -> 1125 (underclock)
memory clock -> 2000
fan -> 100%

this give us around 14 mh so if you use 2 of them you got 1 rx 470.



Normal hashrate is around 24-27 mh these are at stock settings ,but if we start overclocking the card we get around 31/32 mh.

This card is mouch more expensive then the rx460/560, but the good news is we can also use it to mine zcash because it has a very nice speed there.