RX 470/480 570/580 Alternatives

With the recent ethereum price going sky high ,it is very hard to find the rx470/480 cards.

Today we will give some alternatives,some of them are cheaper like the 460/560 cards ,some of them got a higher price like the geforce gtx 1070,the good

thing for the geforce gtx 1070 series is they also can mine zcash with a very nice speed.


Normal hashrate is around 11-12 mh these are at stock settings ,but if we start overclocking the card:

1750 timings -> 1875, 2000
max memory clock 2000 -> 2200

amd radeon settings:

gpu clock -> 1125 (underclock)
memory clock -> 2000
fan -> 100%

this give us around 14 mh so if you use 2 of them you got 1 rx 470.



Normal hashrate is around 24-27 mh these are at stock settings ,but if we start overclocking the card we get around 31/32 mh.

This card is mouch more expensive then the rx460/560, but the good news is we can also use it to mine zcash because it has a very nice speed there.